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Duino-Pi Protokol

The signal beginns with 4 diffrent characters (S,M,A,D) for stepper motor, gear motors, analog- and digital output and the number of the device. Followed by an other character for the attribut and the value.

character, number, character, number, …. return (“\n”)

S = servo + number (1,2,3,…)
P = position + angle (0 - 180)
Example: S2P180 (servo: 2, possition = 180)

M = motor + number (1,2,3,…)
D = direction + number (0,1) (0 = clockwise, 1 = counterclockwise)
S = speed + number (0-255)
Example: M1D0S150 (motor: 1, direction: clockwise, speed = 150)

A = analog + number (1,2,3,…)
V = value + number (0 - 255)
Example: A4V0 (analog: 4, value = 0)

D = digital + number (1,2,3,…)
V = value + number (0,1)
Example: D2V1 (digital: 2, on)

P = preset + number(1,2,3,…)
Preset 1 = turn off everything
Preset 2 = turn on everything