===== IP and Network configuration ===== ==== Enable the SSH Server ==== In Raspian Jessie it should be activated allready. If not enable the SSH server by opening the raspi-config: $ sudo raspi-config In 8. Advanced Options you can activate SSH. ---- ==== Static IP Address ==== Look up your gateway: $ netstat -r -n Find you IP address: $ ifconfig or: $ ip addr Give the Raspberry Pi a static IP address. Open the interfaces file: $ sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces Add these lines: # Ethernet iface eth0 inet dhcp allow-hotplug eth0 auto eth0:1 iface eth0:1 inet static address netmask gateway Or: # Ethernet allow-hotplug eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway dns-nameservers Save and quit, ctl+o, Return, ctl+x.\\ Disable the DHCP-Client:\\ In Raspbian Wheezy: $ sudo service dhcpcd stop $ sudo update-rc.d -f dhcpcd remove In Raspbian Jessie: $ sudo service dhcpcd stop $ sudo systemctl disable dhcpcd Restart ethernet: $ sudo ifdown eth0:1 $ sudo ifup eth0:1 Or/and reboot: $ sudo reboot ==== Login over SSH ==== One can login from your computer with: $ ssh pi@ or with XWindows support: $ ssh -XY pi@ PW: raspberry\\ Or install an VNC server: [[vnc|VNC]] ---- ==== Miscellaneous ==== If the host key verification failed, one can remove the old key with:\\ $ ssh-keygen -R And with\\ ~. one can terminate a broken ssh session. ----